Proposed Changes to Newell Avenue - Lane reductions to accommodate bicycle lane and crosswalks

October 2022

Staff at the City of Walnut Creek are proposing multiple changes along the Newell Avenue corridor between the City limit to the west (680 Freeway where Newell enters our neighborhood) and Newell Hill Place to the east. The project consists of changes at the intersections and along Newell Avenue to enhance pedestrian safety, provide a low-stress bicycle facility, and install a mid-block crosswalk at Kaiser Hospital.

These changes will necessitate removing a driving lane in each direction on Newell as well as removing some turn lanes at certain intersections. Timing of the traffic signals will also be modified which will lead to increased delays for cars along the route.

The PCA has been in contact with the City traffic engineering staff to make sure we are included as a stakeholder in discussions should this project move forward. At this point the project is in the planning stage and staff hasn’t provided any timeline for when they will be reaching out to stakeholders or when the project might move forward.

The staff report on this proposal can be found here, and the video of the presentation to the Transportation Commission can be found here.

Envision Contra Costa 2040


What should Contra Costa be like when our kids grow up?

Envision Contra Costa 2040 is the County’s plan to address land use, transportation, housing, climate change, environmental justice, and other important issues over the next 20 years.

The County is embarking on Envision Contra Costa 2040, an update to the Contra Costa County General Plan – the document that guides conservation and development in the unincorporated county through the year 2040. Almost 2/3 of Parkmead homes are in unincorporated county land.